Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Memories of my MamoN

I was 14 when i first tried my hand on baking. No recipes whatsoever, it just popped out of me when my groupmates in h.e. class gave me the ingredients that were not used up in a baking session at school.

Of course, the result was a total disaster. It was the most greasy thing i've ever seen, and somewhat a cross between a cookie and a bread. And the taste... hmmm... i must say that i was able to duplicate the taste of local mamon (the one sold in bakeries for 2php each?)=)

Now how's that for starters?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

the FlaN that started it all lifelong passion.

When and where it all started? Home Economics class in junior high. Blame my teacher when she asked the class this totally unexpected question out of nowhere:

"What will happen if you steam a leche flan without covering the llanera (tin pan) with aluminum foil?"

If you think i'm weird enough to know the answer to that q...then i guess you're right. The rule of thumb is, every domesticated girl should know that flans will turn bread-like and rise if you don't cover it with foil=). oh well, the truth is, i found that out when i was too lazy to buy a foil at the time my mom made one.

Having answered the ultimate question, it dawned on me at that very moment that i may know more about food than anyone of my age knows. Perhaps i might as well translate that as the turning point of my cooking life.

Btw, i don't do flans.